Corporate social responsibility


To ensure that value for money is achieved on all our purchases, all Welcome Break purchasing is carried out by suitably qualified teams.

For high spend commodities and items requiring the highest integrity (such as beverages, fish, or items of a strategic nature, capital and software) long-term trading relations are established with key suppliers. Periodic tendering, auctioning, value analysis and cost engineering are all used, as appropriate, to ensure that value for money is secured. Our teams will also use post-tender negotiation.

Purchasing process

Our purchasing process is developed by the Procurement Team, assisted and supported by the whole business. This is reviewed periodically to ensure that it matches the needs of the business in an ever-changing environment.

Purchasing and its suppliers focus on three business drivers. All our suppliers are targeted on their delivery of the below requirements:

Improvements in service efficiency

  • Emphasis on service level agreements and key performance indicators
  • Utilise the benefits of technology
  • Ensure environmental impact is minimised as a result of our activity
  • Bring new and innovative products and ideas to Welcome Break

Revenue growth

  • Assist with brand development and new concepts
  • Joint promotions of products and services which complement Welcome Break brands
  • Identify opportunities

Reduce costs

  • Review supplier categorisation – local, regional and national agreements
  • Focus on stripping out cost through value engineering
  • Rationalise our supplier base
  • Streamline our logistics and distribution channels